ICD Code For PHC Level
SN | ICD code | Diseases |
1 | B05 | Measles |
2 | A36 | Diptheria |
3 | A37 | Whooping Cough |
4 | A33 | Neonatal Tetanus |
5 | A35 | Tetanus |
6 | A16 | Tuberculosis |
7 | G 83 | Acute Flacid Paralysis (AFP) |
8 | B06 | Rubella |
9 | B26 | Mumps |
10 | B01 | Chicken pox |
11 | A83 | Japanese Encephalitis (JE) |
12 | B 16 | Hepatitis B |
13 | A 86 | Acute Encephalitis like syndrome (AES) |
14 | B74 | Filariasis |
15 | B54 | Clinical Malaria |
16 | B 50 | Malaria (PF) |
17 | B 51 | Malaria (PV) |
18 | A90 | Dangue Fever |
19 | B55 | Kala-azar/Leshmaniasis |
20 | A01 | Typhoid (Enteric Fever) |
21 | A 09 | Acute gastro enteritis |
22 | A 06 | Ameobic Dysentry /Amoebiasis |
23 | A 03 | Baccilary Dysentry/Shigellosis |
24 | K 52 | Presumed non infectious diarrhoea (Persistant) |
25 | A00 | Cholera |
26 | B82 | Intestinal Worms |
27 | R17 | Jaundice |
28 | A 64 | STD/STI |
29 | B24 | HIV/AIDS |
30 | J 22 | ARI/Lower respiratory tract infection |
31 | J 06 | Upper respiratory tract infection |
32 | J18 | Pneumonia |
33 | J15 | Severe pneumonia |
34 | J40 | Bronchitis |
35 | J45 | Asthma |
36 | N 39 | Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) |
37 | J 11 | Viral Influenza |
38 | N 51 | Reproductive Tract Infection (RTI) male |
39 | N 99 | Reproductive Tract Infection (RTI) female |
40 | E 46 | Malnutrition |
41 | E 50 | Avitaminoses and other nutri deficiency |
42 | D 64 | Anaemia/Polyneuropathy |
43 | E 04 | Goitre, Cretinism |
44 | H53 | Night blindness / Visualdisturbance |
45 | L01 | Impetigo/boils/furunculosis |
46 | L02 | Abscess |
47 | L 30 | Eczema/Dermatatis |
48 | B 36 | Fungal infection |
49 | B 86 | Scabies |
50 | L 81 | Leukoderma/Piegmentation |
51 | L 40 | Psoriasis |
52 | L 04 | Lymphadenitis |
53 | H 66 | Acute/Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (ASOM) |
54 | J 32 | Sinusitis |
55 | J 03 | Tonsilitis |
56 | J 02 | Pharyngities/Sore throat |
57 | T 17 | Foreign body in respiratory tract |
58 | K02 | Dental carries/toothache |
59 | K 05 | Periodontal diseases (gum disease) |
60 | K 08 | Other disorder of teeth |
61 | H 10 | Conjunctivitis |
62 | A71 | Trachoma |
63 | H26 | Cataract |
64 | H54 | Blindness and low vission |
65 | O 46 | Haemorrhage : Antepartum |
66 | O 72 | Haemorrhage : Post-partum |
67 | O00 | Ectopic pregnancy |
68 | O 13 | Pregnancy induced Hypertension (PIH) |
69 | O 21 | Hyperemesis Grivaduram |
70 | O 14 | Antepartum Eclampsia |
71 | O 15 | Postprtum Eclampsia |
72 | O 63 | Prolonged Labour |
73 | O 64 | Obstructed Labour |
74 | S 37 | Ruptured uterus |
75 | O 85 | Postpartum Sepsis |
76 | O73 | Retained Placenta |
77 | O75 | Other Complications/conditions |
78 | O 06 | Abortion Complications |
79 | N81 | Prolapsed uterus |
80 | N73 | Pelvic Inflamatory Disease (PID) |
81 | N 89 | Leukerrhoea (Veginal discharge syndrom) |
82 | N92 | Menstrual disorder |
83 | N 93 | Disfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) |
84 | N 63 | Breast lumps/Breast Abscesss |
85 | N 61 | Mastitis (Ingorged breast) |
86 | F 32 | Dipression |
87 | F29 | Psychosis |
88 | F41 | Anxiety (Neurosis) |
89 | F 79 | Mental retardation |
90 | F 10 | Alcoholism |
91 | G40 | Epilepsy |
92 | I 10 | Hypertension |
93 | J 44 | COPD |
94 | I 09 | Rheumatic heart disease |
95 | I 52 | Other cardiovascular problems |
96 | K46 | Hernia |
97 | N43 | Hydrocelle |
98 | I 84 | Haemorrhoids (Piles) |
99 | Z91 | Poisoning ( self harm, Suicide) |
100 | V 89 | RTA (Road Traffic Accident) |
101 | R 51 | Headache |
102 | R 50 | Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO) |
103 | T 14 | Falls/Injuries/Fractures |
104 | K 29 | Gastritis (APD) |
105 | W 57 | Insect/Wasp bite |
106 | R10 | Abdominal Pain |
107 | M13 | Arthritis |
108 | T 30 | Burns and Scalds |
109 | W 54 | Dog Bite |
110 | A 82 | Other Rabies susceptible animal bite |
111 | T 63 | Snake Bite: Poisonous |
112 | W 59 | Snake Bite: Non-Poisonous |
113 | R 69 | Not mentioned above and other diseases |
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