Thursday, September 12, 2013


We are all good. :-) no one has been sick Thank God. We have just been hanging out and having a great summer. We really haven’t done much, been stayin home watchin movies and working on some school work. Stacey got her new stander which is a contraption that straps her to a platform vertically so that she can be upright and play on the tray that is attached. She enjoys being in there and playing in it. Not much else has been goin on. We have been lookin in to some new communication devices for Stacey but will not be making any decissions for a few months. We need to wait for another agency to evaluate her. :-) Life is good and uneventfull and for now I like it this way…of course when school starts up again so does girl scouts and we will be hitting the ground running with that :-) Have a great day and remember to give someone a great big hug.

Love and God Bless,
Cherice, Stacey and Sunny the best service dog ever!!

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