Saturday, September 21, 2013

Not being equal- it"s taxing!

People aren’t measuring cups. There is no “all things being equal” when talking about people.
Realistically, intelligence isn’t equal. Ambition isn’t equal. The ability to lead or follow isn’t equal.
So the people who stir that pot are not only stupid but are also malicious.  Making a world of malcontents is a waste of every one’s life.
I can’t play golf- I can’t play almost any sport. I can’t do calculus. My days as a physicist never existed. It’s never bothered me and I don’t ask sports heroes or physicisits to pay my bills because I can’t.
I’m a nurse, but I was really happy as a nursing assistant. Like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty- I enjoy having no stress and little responsibility while I go about my work. And I really admire the people who DO love conflict and stress and responsibility and worrying about whether or not their employees will be paid. I became a nurse to make more money because that is what it took.
Obviously, a lot of people want a lot for nothing on their part. And they are now being encouraged to take it from the people who have worked all their lives. And obviously, some people are not smart enough to realize that they are exactly where they should be in a societal ladder. or effort and reward. Socialism doesn’t work anywhere. Don’t quote some uptopian ideas- just look at the reality.  People who do little and expect much have learned very little about life.
We are all humans. Humans are animals- like it or not. There really is very little that makes us so special- the advances we make are superficial in our existence. It is the animal in us that keeps us alive. In fact, we may have peaked intellectually. Technology is easily past the point where most of us actually understand how it happens. Brilliant and inventive people keep forging it ahead and many of the rest of us get fat, complain about the rich and try to take what belongs to others. 
At some point, the easily manipulated will run off the people who perform. Oh yes, it’s been done before. We are a country of people who were running away from something and trying to be free. When it hits the tipping point, America will be sad indeed. Because there is no real difference between Greece, France, etc, and us. 
If we don’t wake up and realize that some people will be poor and some will be rich- but most of us will work for what we have and have pride in the effort, then we are doomed.
Just sad.

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